Priscilla's work focuses on rehabilitation and restoration for both victims and perpetrators of incest. Her work is needed because it helps end the destructive cycle that tears apart families and eats at the fiber of our society. She speaks often with her state Legislators and Senators to help change laws that will accompany her vision to change and end the culture of abuse.
Priscilla believes sexual abuse goes much deeper than the act itself. Her voice and experience make an impact by exposing the underlying issues that perpetuates the cycle over generations. Her motto is; “hurt people, hurt people, but healed people, heal people. Therefore, her passion is to help bring healing to the individual in order to put an end to this vicious cycle of abuse. She firmly believes that until we get to the root of the problem, we will not see the positive change necessary to heal families, relationships and society’s as a whole. She gets to the root by raising tough questions like, “How and why do individuals make the poor decisions that they make?” “Did this start with them or with someone else?” “What drove them to this point and why?”
Priscilla's work impacts the community as a whole because her work as an advocate in the courtroom is not limited to just one person or family. One of her largest advocacy opportunities has been with the “sister survivors” of the nationally known Larry Nassar sexual abuse case.
Priscilla has been sought out as a motivational speaker by numerous organizations such as, Local Law Enforcement Agencies, The National Guard, State Prisons, as well as, Public and Private Schools. By sharing her story of abuse, the power of forgiveness and redemption, she brings the hope, the healing, and the education that’s needed to bring sexual-abuse to an end.
As a motivational speaker, Priscilla’s topics help others get unstuck by life’s negative people and circumstances. Her topics include: self-esteem and self-worth, finding your identity, and the power of forgiveness. She lifts others and helps victims become victors.